Sunday, July 21, 2013


So, one of the greatest things about my time in Haiti was and will be spending time with the guys and girls in the Children's Home at Christian Light. I will also refer to it as the orphanage, but technically we call it a Children's Home. :) So, anyway, my favorite thing was to to hang out with these kids. Recently I have been going through all of my pictures and posting some of the ones kids took, because they can be the best sometimes! The videos are extremely special to me though, because they literally take me back to being there...everything but the dust. :) So anyways, I like to think about and pray for the kids (many of which are not kids by some people's standards). Most of them are still very young, but some are approaching adulthood and making important decisions regarding their futures.
The teacher in me loves wordles or word clouds. So, I made this awesome wordle with all of the kids' names in it to keep them in my thoughts and in my prayers. Will you join me as well? Feel free to steal my wordle and pray for each of these youngins daily.